How good is to depend on Social Networks?


According to Colombian newspaper “La Semana”, there are more than 2.000 millions of active users on Facebook worldwide. Of this number, 72% use the social network for; News, gossip and conversations. 5 to 10% of the users can not control their addiction to this social network and they can be hours and hours on it. This causes an addiction and mental problems. 

Susan Greenfield explains that addiction on social media reduces the “white matter” in regions where the emotions are controlled, the decision making process and the memory of the brain.

blog-3-2Hernani Aquino, social communicator that works for Mexican news portal “El Universal” has also described the addict use of social media as a gap between the relations and bounds with the family. He explains that kids start to use social media between 10 or 11 years, as a “escape” of their families because they think they can find more liberty on the social networks.        

As conclusion of this two different opinions, is for sure that social media has changed a lot the way people communicate. I really think that we have to be smart on how we handle the social networks. EVERYTHING we do with excess is bad, so we have to take the positive things for our own good.